Mart 2025 – Rekabet Kurulu (“Kurul”) Şubat ayında yerinde incelemelerin engellenmesi ve soruşturmalarla ilgili rekor para cezalarına imza attı. Bununla birlikte 2024 yılı sonlarında yürürlüğe giren yeni ceza yönetmeliğine ilişkin kapsamlı bir kılavuz yayınlayarak yönetmeliğin beraberinde getirdiği soru işaretlerine açıklık getirmeye çalıştı. Kılavuz, yeni ceza politikasının potansiyel etkilerine ilişkin teşebbüslere ve uygulayıcılara yol gösterici açıklamalar getirdi. KST Rekabet Gündemi’nin bu ayki sayısında, Kurul’un Şubat ayında yayımladığı önemli kararları derledik.Yeni Ceza Yönetmeliğine İlişkin Kılavuz Yayımlandı Rekabet Kurumu; Rekabeti Sınırlayıcı Anlaşma
In February 2025, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) made headlines by imposing record fines in relation to investigations and obstructed on-site inspections. Furthermore, the TCA sought to clarify uncertainties surrounding its newly introduced regulation on fines by publishing comprehensive guidelines. The guidelines provided much-needed clarity on the new penalty policy, providing explanations and insights to businesses and legal experts about its potential impact. This newsletter provides an overview of significant developments in Turkish competition law during the month. TCA issues Guidelines on the Regulation on Fines The TCA published its Guidelines on the Regulation on Fines to Apply in Cases of
Mart 2025 – 2024 yılını kapatırken Rekabet Kurumu (“Kurum”), Rekabeti Sınırlayıcı Anlaşma, Uyumlu Eylem ve Kararlar ile Hâkim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması Halinde Verilecek İdari Para Cezalarına İlişkin Yönetmelik’i (“Yeni Yönetmelik”) yenilediğini duyurmuştu. 27 Aralık 2024 tarihinde Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe giren Yeni Yönetmelik’te yapılan değişiklikleri ele almıştık. 19 Şubat 2025’te ise, Yeni Yönetmelik’in uygulanmasına açıklık getirmek amacıyla Kurum, Rekabeti Sınırlayıcı Anlaşma, Uyumlu Eylem ve Kararlar ile Hâkim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması Halinde Verilecek İdari Para Cezalarına İlişkin Kılavuz’u (“Kılavuz”) yayımladığını duyurdu.
In late 2024, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) published its Regulation on Fines to Apply in Cases of Agreements, Concerted Practices, and Decisions Limiting Competition and Abuses of Dominance (“New Regulation”), which came into force on 27 December 2024, upon its publication in the Official Gazette, replacing the previous regulation. A summary of the changes introduced by the New Regulation is available here. To provide clarity on the application of the New Regulation, on 19 February 2025 the TCA published its Guidelines on the Regulation on Fines to Apply in Cases of Agreements, Concerted Practices, and Decisions Limiting Competition and Abuses of Dominance (“Guidelines”). The Guidelines explain
The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) remained active in January 2025, with key decisions spanning sectors from payment services to hygiene products. Notably, the TCA demonstrated a strict approach to enforcing compliance with its orders, particularly regarding the suspension requirement and on-site inspections. This newsletter provides an overview of significant developments in Turkish competition law during the month. Dive into January case updates 1. TCA issues two new gun-jumping decisions 1. 1. Param fined for jumping the gun on Kartek acquisition The TCA has slapped a fine on Yılmaz Family, the controlling shareholders of Param, for concluding the acquisition of Kartek Holding
The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) ended December with a significant overhaul of its Fines Regulation, the first such update in nearly 15 years. TCA Overhauls Fines Policy to Combat Anti-Competitive Practices in the Digital Age Recognising the evolving nature of markets, characterised by innovative business models and shifting consumer preferences, the TCA acknowledges the emergence of new forms of anti-competitive behaviour and the involvement of a wider range of entities. This necessitates a corresponding adaptation of enforcement tools and penalty policies to effectively address these contemporary challenges. The TCA emphasises the growing market power of large technology companies, driven by their
The Regulation on Fines to Apply in Cases of Agreements, Concerted Practices, and Decisions Limiting Competition and Abuses of Dominance (“New Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette on 27 December 2024 and came into force the same day. The New Regulation repeals the previous Regulation on Fines to Apply in Cases of Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions Limiting Competition (“Old Regulation”) that had been in force for 15 years and introduces substantial changes to the fining regime in Turkish competition law. In our article, we summarise the important changes brought by the New Regulation.. Changes brought about by the new regulation Basic fine rate One of the most important
Ocak 2025 – Rekabeti Sınırlayıcı Anlaşma, Uyumlu Eylem ve Kararlar ile Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması Halinde Verilecek İdari Para Cezalarına İlişkin Yönetmelik (“Yeni Yönetmelik”) 27 Aralık 2024 tarihli Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe girdi. Yeni Yönetmelik yoluyla aynı konudaki 15 yıldır yürürlükte olan Rekabeti Sınırlayıcı Anlaşma, Uyumlu Eylem ve Kararlar ile Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması Halinde Verilecek Para Cezalarına İlişkin Yönetmelik (“Eski Yönetmelik”) yürürlükten kaldırıldı ve Türk rekabet hukuku para cezası rejimine kapsamlı değişiklikler getirildi. Bu yazımızda, Yeni Yönetmelik’in getirdiği önemli yenilikleri sizler için özetlemeye
In November 2024, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) took decisive steps across various industries, from cleaning products to e-commerce. Below we provide an overview of the TCA’s latest decisions, settlements, and investigations impacting competition in Turkey. Dive into November updates 1. Settlement in the pharmaceutical industry The TCA concluded its investigation into Menarini İlaç and Genveon İlaç with settlement agreements for both companies. These settlements come about as a part of the TCA’s ongoing investigation into (i) gentlemen's agreements with competitors regarding no-poaching of each other's employees, and (ii) anticompetitive information exchanges in the pharmaceutical
The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) announced on 3 December 2024 that the much-anticipated Guidelines on Competition Infringements in Labour Markets (“Guidelines”) were been adopted by the Competition Board at its meeting on 21 November 2024. The TCA had previously prepared the draft version of the Guidelines (“Draft Guidelines”) and submitted it for public comments via its announcement of 16 September 2024. The TCA has now finalised the Guidelines, also taking into account the comments received on the Draft Guidelines. In its announcement regarding the Draft Guidelines, the TCA stated that it aimed to set out the main principles on the following: the place
Aralık 2024 – Rekabet Kurumu (“Kurum”) 3 Aralık’ta yaptığı kamuoyu duyurusuyla merakla beklenen İş Gücü Piyasalarındaki Rekabet İhlallerine Yönelik Kılavuz’un (“Kılavuz”) 21 Kasım tarihli toplantısında kabul edildiğini açıkladı. Kurum, 16 Eylül’de yaptığı kamuoyu duyurusuyla İş Gücü Piyasalarındaki Rekabet İhlallerine Yönelik Kılavuz Taslağı’nı (“Kılavuz Taslağı”) kamuoyunun görüş ve önerilerine açtığını duyurmuştu. Kılavuz Taslağı’na gelen görüş ve önerilerin de değerlendirilmesi ile birlikte Kılavuz nihai hâline ulaşmış ve kabul edilerek rehber olarak kullanılmaya başlanmış oldu. Kurum, Kılavuz Taslağı’nı hazırlayıp kamuoyuyla paylaştığında
KST LAW in cooperation with Kinstellar is delighted to announce that Sinan Diniz, a highly regarded competition law expert, has joined our team in Turkey as a Partner. Sinan was previously the co-head of the Competition practice in Esin Attorney Partnership, a member firm of Baker McKenzie, where he managed one of the leading competition law practices in the country. Sinan has more than 10 years of competition law experience and assists clients with all aspects of Turkish competition law including merger control, antitrust investigations, exemption filings, and daily compliance queries. His expertise extends to administrative and private litigation, designing competition law compliance programs, and delivering